
Archive for the ‘Health of the smoker’ Category

Quit smoking

July 13, 2011 Leave a comment

To quit smoking is a dream of thousands people all over the world. Just get rid of it, of this paper tube with deadly nicotine. But what’s stopping them? Think about it: what does smoking mean for you? Perhaps when you come back home from work, the day was not very well, besides you’re bored. I should smoke, why not? Or you are nervous, being late to the office. Or, you may smoke only because you look like a solid person with a cigarette in your hand? In fact, there can be a lot of excuses. Yes, excuses, you just calm yourself down. I’m sure you’ve heard such phrases: “I actually do not smoke. And sometimes I allow it because I had a nervous strain… ” Or this: “Yes, I smoke. And I like it. If I wanted to quit smoking, I would have quitted it in a few days …”. But, alas, it is a pure delusion.
Few people know that nicotine, which after all is a drug, creates a sense of emptiness and boredom, when its reserves are running out. And I doubt whether a smoker will be able to quit smoking as easily as it seems, “just one cigarette” and it will be again and again. What should we do? In order to defeat the enemy, you need to know it by sight, all his tricks, tactics and weaknesses. Otherwise you will not get anything. So I recommend you to study the impact of nicotine on the body. Make it your enemy. Say to yourself that it is smoking that is the cause of all your troubles, even if it is not. Having hated the habit, you will not notice when you start to dislike the smell of cigarette smoke.

Categories: Health of the smoker

Fight against passive smoking

July 13, 2011 Leave a comment

Campaigns against smoking were widely held at the beginning of the XX century. At that time tuberculosis threatened to society and it was fighting against smoking and tobacco smoke. Today we face a similar problem. But let’s talk about the consequences of passive smoking. The danger lies in wait for us at every step: at work, in cafes, restaurants, public places, and cars. A person who breathes tobacco smoke has the risk of lung cancer, and cardio-vascular diseases. If a person is sick with asthma, even when at passive smoking the person may have asthmatic fit. So it is better to stay away from the deadly smoke. But now we are unprotected, here are some recommendations. Read more…

Categories: Health of the smoker

Grateful speech

July 13, 2011 Leave a comment

Dear smokers, get our respect! We express our gratitude from all manufacturers of tobacco products. Your habit provides a comfortable existence for their children and grandchildren, their housemaids and pets. Never quit this habit! The government has decided to raise taxes on cigarette, but thanks to you, dear smokers, the tobacco companies will have profits.
Doctors thank you, dear smokers! Due to your efforts, the doctors will not face a crisis and unemployment. The flow of patients in hospitals and wards will not run out until you live, dear smokers! Whereas the smoke “eats away” your lungs and the walls of blood vessels are destroyed because of atherosclerosis, doctors will be always able to apply their knowledge and skills. Because of you they are useful and needed. Read more…

Categories: Health of the smoker

Biologically active additives

July 13, 2011 Leave a comment

Smoking, both active and passive, is a serious stress factor for the organism. In general, smoking destroys the strongest stone. The organism of a smoking person suffers from a persistent lack of essential substances for healthy living. Smoking does not let assimilate vitamins. The smokers especially suffer from lack of B vitamins, as well as C, E and beta-carotene. In addition, smoking “washouts” the mineral components from the body. Therefore, the immune system of the smoker is in constant oppression.
Would you like to recognize a fan of tobacco in the crowd? As a rule, he has an unhealthy complexion, angular stomatitis in the corners of the mouth, bad teeth, skin, dull hair and brittle nails. These are the signs of impaired immunity. That is why the smokers must to keep their body more carefully. This also concerns to those who has quitted smoking. To restore the natural health of the organism, you should reconsider your diet. But it is usually not enough. Apparently, you won’t like to poison your body by the pharmacological chemistry.
And here comes biologically active additives (BAA), which are not the drugs. But there is a contradictory attitude. Many doctors categorically say that there is no point in using them, and they may be not only ineffective but also harmful. And there is an opposite point of view. Moreover, the very idea of BAA is very attractive: no side-effects of chemicals, thousand-year history of usage and the expected health benefits.
There are a lot of brands at the market of BAA. In any case, all BAA are meant for organism “feed”, so they can be used for chronically depressed immunity of the smokers. As a rule, BAA contains of well-known herbs, vitamins, and minerals in an optimal combination for achieving of synergistic action of the components. Manufacturers describe their effects as optimizing the work of all systems of the body through the gentle cleaning of the toxins. BAA for smokers have a general health-improving effect and help to fill the lack of essential micronutrients. As the result the risk of developing serious illnesses is reduced. When you quit smoking, BAA help the body to recover quickly from the harmful effects of the smoking.
Well, it is up to you whether to trust the manufacturers of BAA or not. But it is a great advantage in quitting smoking.

Categories: Health of the smoker

Combination of alcohol and tobacco

July 13, 2011 Leave a comment

The action of tobacco and alcohol was discussed earlier, but it is also necessary to know their combined action. The point is that the amount of nicotine and other harmful substances increases at alcoholization. As the result, the toxic effect of tobacco is growing in intensity.
The harmful components of tobacco smoke stay longer in the body, and the duration of tobacco intoxication is increasing. There may be the risk of cancer of oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus and stomach. Therefore, the combination of alcohol and tobacco is quick and certain death.
About 60% of working-age men die from cardiovascular disease, often caused by the use of alcohol and tobacco simultaneously.

Categories: Health of the smoker

Alcohol and tobacco

July 13, 2011 Leave a comment

Causes of alcoholism

1. One of the main causes of alcoholism is jealousy. Doctors estimate that 80% of alcoholics are jealous people. The vast majority of them are men. In women jealousy is different. A man drinks because he wants to dream and see himself as a strong and successful person in life. And alcohol gives such illusion, and the man constantly uses it.
2. Overwork. A good glass of wine cheers up and creates the illusion of perfect health. Some men are predisposed to alcoholism due to the nature of his character: suspiciousness, and suggestibility. They think that the others laugh at them, and consider them an inferior human. They suffer and seek consolation in wine.
3. Poor conditions of family life (e.g. small flat), heredity.

Four and a half million French people are alcoholics “at will”, and they are very offended when someone is telling them about it. Parents, relatives, and teachers should strictly follow that children and adolescents do not consume alcoholic drinks. Do not drink on an empty stomach: Alcohol rapidly enters the blood, affects the stomach and nervous system. Alcoholic drinks are better stand by the body when it enters the stomach during a meal and with small doses. Alcoholics with a good appetite will stand longer than the others, but nevertheless, but then the result will be disastrous. Usually, it is rarely when men suffering from chronic fatigue, have a normal appetite. Read more…

Categories: Health of the smoker

10 facts of a smoking world

July 13, 2011 Leave a comment

This cheat sheet and warning about the dangers and senselessness of smoking in 10 points is devoted to all smokers and non-smokers.

Fact 1. War of the Worlds

In Britain, due to antismoking service an enactment has been adopted which states that a nonsmoking employee may demand compensation. For the first time an employee of London office who suffers from chronic bronchitis has got such compensation in the amount of 25 thousand dollars. Since 1993, it has been forbidden to smoke in suburban trains. In Norway it is forbidden to smoke everywhere except your own house or car. In Belgium it is forbidden to smoke indoors, at the presence of children, in hospitals, at workplaces, railway stations and in public places. In Japan and Finland medical activities are incompatible with smoking.

Fact 2. Smoking Child

Weight of the children whose mother is smoking is about 200g less than in the normal babies. All hazardous substances pass into the placenta and enter the body of the child. And the concentration of nicotine, carbon monoxide, benzopyrene and other substances in fetus are higher than in the blood of the mother. The risk of pregnancy outcome does not depend on the number of cigarettes, and it is directly dependent on the fact of smoking. Read more…

Categories: Health of the smoker

Alcohol and cigarettes – faulty connection

July 13, 2011 Leave a comment

Dangerous Smoking

Have you ever wondered why during a noisy party after a smoked cigarette your hand automatically reaches for a glass? It turns out that this fact has a scientific explanation. American scientists have found out that nicotine significantly slows the alcohol assimilation of the body, causing a deceptive impression that “it is not enough alcohol”. And the alcoholic drinks “stuck” in the stomach, entering the blood only in small portions, and the desired intoxication did not come. Scientists emphasize that the combined usage of alcohol and nicotine is the reason of alcohol poisoning, which can have very unpleasant consequences. Under the influence of nicotine a person is not able to assess the strength and feel when to stop. The combination of alcohol and cigarettes is especially dangerous for teenagers: it is fraught with chronic liver and stomach disease, the searchers warn. As the American actress Bankhead Tallulah advised “never indulge in two vices at once.”

Passive smoking – a scourge of small children

It turns out that passive smoking is more dangerous than it was previously thought. By long-term observations, it has a disastrous impact on children, and the less the child’s age, the greater the degree of exposure. The American scientists have refuted the opinion that there was a safe level of exposure of the smoke on the body. Specialists pay special attention to the need of prevention of tobacco exposure indoors, even if they are properly equipped with ventilation systems. According to the Department of Healthy Lifestyle in the Roswell Park Cancer Institute (USA) children breathe more frequently than adults and therefore they inhale more tobacco smoke. The young body is constantly growing and developing, and the cigarette smoke substances slow down the process of cell growth. With regular action of nicotine smoke the child may have asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and middle ear disease, and the healing process is slowed down. The smoke-filled room is also taken into consideration.
According to experts, ventilation and air conditioning systems reduce the risk of such effects only marginally. As paediatricians announce the passive smoking increases the sickness rate of children, and parents should know about it. Some countries completely prohibit smoking in public places, as in Scotland, for example. But in America, in the states of Arkansas and Louisiana, a ban was imposed on smoking in cars in the presence of children. Moreover, there will be a criminal responsibility for smoking pregnant women in some states. Read more…

Categories: Health of the smoker

5 shocking cigarette components

July 13, 2011 Leave a comment

Smoking is harmful for our body. Most people affirm that they already know this, but do they really understand what components they take? Each cigarette contains over 4,000 of different substances and additives. And can you enumerate at least 5 components of a cigarette?
Knowledge is a power. Knowledge about what passes into the body will help you to make a right decision. But if you continue smoking, it is your choice; at least you will be aware about what you are consuming.
Here are 5 substances that were found in cigarette sediments.


It is a well-known poison of the killers. Arsenic was used in order to take the life of such famous historical figures as Napoleon and the King of England, George III.


It is a smelly substance which is contained in the liquid used in lighters. Well, you may think, that you use it only to light up a cigarette. But it can be found in the cigarette itself! Daily inhalation of the substance is harmful for your respiratory system. Read more…

Categories: Health of the smoker

Which diseases do the smoker buy

July 10, 2011 Leave a comment

Which diseases do the smoker buyThe warning of the Department of Health on packs of cigarettes is well known to all smokers. But these words stop only few people. A daily and even minute pursuit of pleasure, attempts to hide from the everyday problems make you light up a cigarette.

And only when the suffocating cough begins to torment you all the time, when breathing becomes hoarse and smelly, and you have acute heart pain, then the smoker thinks of the warnings. Smoker`s health has already been undermined by nicotine and tobacco smoke, when the dependence on tobacco has become irresistible. But even at this stage it is possible to stop and escape death.

It is good, if the warnings and anti-tobacco campaign have its impact before the person is taken smoke prisoner. It is good, if having realized the threat to the health, the smoker will say “No!” to a cigarette, and to diseases which will be discussed. Read more…

Categories: Health of the smoker